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Tranfluence - Transform Your Life.
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Messaging4 Elements
Personal Transformation Pain Points - [Tran - Pain, Stuck, Desired Outcome, Change, Results]:
[8] Messaging = Transform, Best self, best life:
=== [9] Messaging - This is it!:
☆☆☆[10] To Find Messaging - Start Perfect Webinar:
Personal Transformation Pain Points - [Tran - Pain, Stuck, Desired Outcome, Change, Results]:
What Is Tranfluence4 Elements
Tranfluence - Transforming Inner Worlds to Core:
Tranfluence - what is Tranfluence:
Tranfluence - what do I do - I'm the founder of...:
Tranfluence - how it works (needs polishing):
Tranfluence - Transforming Inner Worlds to Core:
Tranfluence - Profound Messaging_Jay Abraham @ TR:
Tranfluence - All In = Do it All & Give it All:
Program Structure >>> Transform Your Life - Become Your Best Self, Create Your Best Life
>>> Tranfluence Massive Recruitment (Like MLM) > Big Events, Huge In-Flow2 Elements -
3 Programs - Core, Team Leader, Team Support:
☆☆☆ Buddy System !!!2 Elements
Power Review: Students will Record a Short Video on their Phone towards the End of Each Session (while in Class - as a Mission) - Expressing What They Got from the Program So Far + How They Feel: Make it a Power Review! Then, Upload it to their Program's Journal (Set Up Vimeo Video Upload)
Give Recognition (and by that, Status) to Any-Student Any-Time they Perform a Task they way I want, or Act the way i want - Reward them with Pleasure!
One Merged Program - Power Relationships & Interactions:2 Elements
WEEK 1 > Tranfluence - Inner World VS Outer World || Shifting Inner World Towards Core || Change How You See Yourself, Others, The World, Life[**] WEEK 1 > Tranfluence - Shifting Your Inner World and Aligning With Your Core10 Elements|7 Missions
Welcome, Congrats, and Empowerment, High Energy > Change is Coming, and it is Coming Fast! - so let's get to it...
Each one of you is here for a reason, or more likely few reasons. To Become Your Best Self - the kind of person you really want to Be. And to Create Your Best Life - the kind of Life you really want to have. The first step to Making IT Happen is to be clear about what is IT that you actually want. So here is your 1st Mission:
POWER >> What is Power and Why are we Talking about it here? - Explain [1] "Power", "PowerFull", "PowerLess" [2] The Scale of Power > Positive Polarity between "PowerLess" (0) and "PowerFULL"(100) & Negative Polarity between "PowerLess" (0) and "PowerFOOL" (-100) [3] How our "Personal Power" Level on the Scale effecting Us - Directly & Ripples - Gives Us the Power to Create or Destroy [4] How Our "Personal Power" Level affect Every Area & Situation in Our Lives > the Power there is In Any Area and Situation in Our Lives = The Power We Personally Give It [5] Now that we Understand why it is so important, here's the Great News - Among other important things, the Tranfluence Program & Membership will also Teach & Train you [A] how to Power Up Your Personal Power, get more and more PowerFull, and Become your Dream Self - The Kind of Person you Really want to be [B] How to Power Up every Area of your Life and Create Your Dream Life - The kind of Life you Really want to have
THE 5 POWERS OF CREATION >> [Overview - because we will refer to them in the next mission when members will Create their Vision for their PowerSelf & their Power Life]
POWER SELF >> Your 1st Mission - Create your Vision for Your Power Self (Dream Self - Self Full of Power)
[Vision for each of the 5 Powers] Your Vision for Your Power Self (Dream Self) – If Nothing Was Holding You Back, If You Could Just Make a Wish and It Will Happen – What Kind of Person Do You Really Want to Be? (provide them a list of qualities, powers, abilities, etc. to choose from, plus option to add their own (example: clarity, insight, purpose, meaningfulness, success, joy, impact, influence, thoughts, feelings, ideas, understanding… powerless (0)- powerful (10)- {{** 2 Dials – one to select where you are currently in regard to each item, and another to select where you really want to be **}} move the dial to select where do you really want to be on that item’s scale > I will add short explanation on what powerless vs powerful actually mean in actual life and it’s various implication and affects on your life) > Then, after all individual items, a general scale 1-10 how much do you want to be this kind of person + a text box where students express how amazing life will be if you can be that kind of person.
[** As Part of 1st Mission > List all the things that need to be change & improved or get rid of & replace so that you Can Become the Person You Really Want to Be **]
[Vision for each of the 5 Powers] Your Vision for Your Power Self (Dream Self) – If Nothing Was Holding You Back, If You Could Just Make a Wish and It Will Happen – What Kind of Person Do You Really Want to Be? (provide them a list of qualities, powers, abilities, etc. to choose from, plus option to add their own (example: clarity, insight, purpose, meaningfulness, success, joy, impact, influence, thoughts, feelings, ideas, understanding… powerless (0)- powerful (10)- {{** 2 Dials – one to select where you are currently in regard to each item, and another to select where you really want to be **}} move the dial to select where do you really want to be on that item’s scale > I will add short explanation on what powerless vs powerful actually mean in actual life and it’s various implication and affects on your life) > Then, after all individual items, a general scale 1-10 how much do you want to be this kind of person + a text box where students express how amazing life will be if you can be that kind of person.
POWER LIFE >> Your 2nd Mission - Create Your Vision for Your Power Life (Dream Life - Life Full of Power)
Power Actions & Power Action Plans - Micro Within the Macro - If Your Vision for Your Power Life is Your Destiny & the Destination You Are Heading to - Power Actions are The Bricks that Pave the Road to Our Destiny >> Great Life is made out of Great Moments. Great Moments are made out of Great Outcomes in these moments. And Great Outcomes are made of Great Actions & Great Interactions - Power Actions & Power Interaction. So How Do You Create Power Actions & Power Interactions that Produce Great Outcomes?
You Show Up with Great Energy, Great Attitude, and a Solid Action Plan that is Designed to Produce Great Outcome. And You Lead the Interaction towards the Achievement of the Great Outcome >>
[???] CORE ALIGNMENT TRANFLUENCE >> to Change How You See Yourself, Others, the World, and Life >>> #1 Change how seeing self, others, world, life - ||||. #2 Change how seeing self, others, world, life -
During the Week - Practice CORE ALIGNMENT TRANFLUENCE >> 3 Times a Day [like a Dr. Prescription] - for Every Day this WEEK > [1] 1 Time before you start the day [2] 1 Time before you go to sleep [3] 1 Time Mid Day, or if you live with other people and you're out of home during the day - before you and your spouse (or other people) get together in the Evening (coming back from work, etc. - do it in the car before coming home))
During The Week - Power Action/Show Up
WEEK 2 > Power Action Plan & Showing Up Right - Achieving Our Desired Outcomes (Micro) + Creating The Life We Really Want (Macro)12 Elements|9 Missions
@ SESSION START >> Review with Members the Past Week's At-Home Missions, Progress & Outcomes >> Remind & Encourage them to Post on the InterAction Board their Mission Progress Report (or Questions, if they have), as well as Visit the InterAction Board and Support Other Members || *** I will Visit the InterAction Board too [1] help out by Posting Helpful Short Videos that Address members' Questions or Challenges [2] Empower, Encourage, Inspire [3] Congrats those who post Happy Successful Mission Progress Reports ***
Our Inner World Creates Our Outer World > The Only Way to Transform our Outer World is by Transforming our Inner World. (When you Shift your Inner World the Outer World will Shift to match it.)
The 5 Powers of Creation
Frame (Your Perceived Reality - Inner World Reality) & State (Your Inner World Energy & The Way You Experience/Feel Life in Your Inner World) is a Result of FOCUS - DIRECTION of FOCUS (what are you focusing your attention on) + INTENSITY of FOCUS (How Much Life/Energy Do You Breath Into It - Zoom In, Into the Details)
5 Powers Core Alignment - DIRECTION of FOCUS || PURPOSEFUL CORE FOCUS - Constant Continuous Focus On The Desired Core Destination/Destiny >> Every Step, Every Power Action Plan, MUST Advance Us Towards The Core Destination/Destiny - Always Be Mindful of it & Always Check & Confirm it when Creating a Power Action Plan || Will Power in The Driver Seat - All Other Powers Falling In Line & Serving It || All Horses Pulling Forward Together as One
5 Powers INTENSITY > Breathing Life & Powering Up > Keeping The Powers Up & Focused on [1] Our Inner World Core Desires, Dreams, Vision + [2] on Achieving and Realizing them in the Outer World
DESTINY CREATION TRANFLUENCE >> Purpose Driven Life Tranfluence + Inner World Re-Creation > Breathing Life > 5 Powers Alignment, Focus/Direction/Destination/Destiny & Intensity/Powering-Up
Power Actions & Power Action Plans - Micro Within the Macro - The Bricks that Pave the Road to Our Destiny >> Great Life is made out of Great Moments. Great Moments are made out of Great Outcomes in these moments. And Great Outcomes are made of Great Interactions. So How Do You Create Great Interactions that Produce Great Outcomes? You Show Up with Great Energy, Great Attitude, and a Solid Action Plan that is Designed to Produce Great Outcome. And You Lead the Interaction towards the Achievement of the Great Outcome >>
Power Actions - Showing Up as Planned & Closing The Gap
In Class – Provide the Members with Tasks that will Require them to Breathe Life & Power Up the Actions they are asked to Perform again & again at an Increasing Higher Levels of Focus & Intensity (and create some natural resistance/hesitation within them) [ Greeting Each Other – give them all the exact same sentence to say | Presenting an Idea to each other – give them all the exact same idea to present | Making an Offer to each other – give them all the exact same offer to make | Describe an Object (Apple) to each other – Let them use their own words this time! ] > [1a] Give them a task and Let them Practice Power Action & Closing The Gap in the Large Group [1b] Give them a Different Task & Repeat the Practice [1c] Give Another Task to practice [1d] …. >> [2] Group Discussion about how it went. >>>. Practice few Useful Power Actions in class – then, mission them to practice these daily During the Week (make it fun & energizing) – “Only My Power Self can Create My Power Life” – These Power Actions are ALL about Being My Power Self: [1] Power Wake Up – every morning [2] Power Smile – look them strait in the eye, smile with your feelings, smile with your face, smile with your eyes,
In Class – [1] Give them a short List of Tasks – without a script this time – and Have each one of them Choose One(1) || [2] Let them Practice it in Small Groups || [3] Get back in the Large Group & Discuss how it went
In Class – Provide the Members with Tasks that will Require them to Breathe Life & Power Up the Actions they are asked to Perform again & again at an Increasing Higher Levels of Focus & Intensity (and create some natural resistance/hesitation within them) [ Greeting Each Other – give them all the exact same sentence to say | Presenting an Idea to each other – give them all the exact same idea to present | Making an Offer to each other – give them all the exact same offer to make | Describe an Object (Apple) to each other – Let them use their own words this time! ] > [1a] Give them a task and Let them Practice Power Action & Closing The Gap in the Large Group [1b] Give them a Different Task & Repeat the Practice [1c] Give Another Task to practice [1d] …. >> [2] Group Discussion about how it went. >>>. Practice few Useful Power Actions in class – then, mission them to practice these daily During the Week (make it fun & energizing) – “Only My Power Self can Create My Power Life” – These Power Actions are ALL about Being My Power Self: [1] Power Wake Up – every morning [2] Power Smile – look them strait in the eye, smile with your feelings, smile with your face, smile with your eyes,
Power Action Plans Elements, Structure and Process
In Class – Creating a Power Action Plan > I will Provide the Desired Outcome (? ** [a] must be relevant to everyone [b] must be simple and easy to see progress [c] must be independent of any external requirement – can be done by anyone, anytime, anywhere [d] will be great if it will also be a good practice for closing the gap **), and We will All Create the Same Plan Together
In Class – Take a Power Action to Execute Your Action Plan (multiple times, over and over again) > & close the gap
In Class – Creating a Power Action Plan > I will Provide the Desired Outcome (? ** [a] must be relevant to everyone [b] must be simple and easy to see progress [c] must be independent of any external requirement – can be done by anyone, anytime, anywhere [d] will be great if it will also be a good practice for closing the gap **), and We will All Create the Same Plan Together
@ SESSION END >> TRANFLUENCING THE WORLD CHALLENGE Update - Recognize & Celebrate all Members who are Participating and Changing People's Life >> Provide the Link to the Challenge Page - Members who didn't yet, can still join >>
During The Week - [1] Execute The Power Action Plan that You've Created at Class > Take Multiple Power Actions Daily (? ** I need to add here a Fixed Number & Daily Schedule **)
During the Week - [2] Every Evening Conduct a Daily Progress Review (in the Membership Area) + Adjust or Keep as-is & Repeat
During the Week - [3] Every Evening - Post Your Progress Review on the InterAction Board here + Any Questions you have or Challenges You faced > Check the InterAction Board for other members Progress Reports Posts, Challenges and Questions - and see if you can Support them
During the Week - Practice DESTINY CREATION TRANFLUENCE >> 3 Times a Day
During The Week - Tranfluencing The World CHALLENGE - Power Inviting People to the Free Seminars & to Join our Powerful Cutting Edge Training Program
[Great Life is Made of Great Moments which are Made of Great Interactions - Power InterActions - Power Action Plan] Community - Chunk_Level 1: Elements|2 Missions
Rate (Scale 1-10) the current state of your relationship (10 = the kind of relationship you really want). Explain why did you give it this rate.
Define Your Best Life (Best Relationship/Desired Outcome - What Kind of Relationship Do You Really Want? Why? How will it Make You Feel? How Will it Make Your Life Better?)
Power Action Plan >> Great Life is made out of Great Moments. Great Moments are made out of Great Outcomes in these moments. And Great Outcomes are made of Great Interactions. So How Do You Create Great Interactions that Produce Great Outcomes? You Show Up with Great Energy, Great Attitude, and a Solid Action Plan that is Designed to Produce Great Outcome. And You Lead the Interaction towards the Achievement of the Great Outcome.
The Tranfluence Process >> is Designed to Shift and Align you closer toward your Core where you have Easier Access to Great Energy, Great Attitude, and Great Insight & Ideas. You will First use the Tranfluence Process to Define Your Desired Outcome, and Design an Action Plan for Achieving it. Then, just before Showing Up for an Interaction, You will use the Tranfluence Process to Realign yourself towards your Core again. It will Help you Show Up Right, and Increase you Ability to Lead the Interaction toward the Desired Outcome.
Rate (Scale 1-10) the current state of your relationship (10 = the kind of relationship you really want). Explain why did you give it this rate.
#1 Change how seeing self, others, world, life - Elements
Zones 2 - only best self can have best life -
Inner world & outer world - in thrive plan -
Tranfluence - how bad state (Shadow Inner World) cause pain & damage:
Tranfluence - You're a Shadow of Yourself:
[?] What are shadow worlds & what cause them -
Frame (Your Perceived Reality - Inner World Reality) & State (Your Energy, The Way You Experience Life) is a Result of Focus - Direction of Focus (what are you focusing your attention on) + Intensity of Focus (How Much Life/Energy Do You Breath Into It)2 Elements
Session 1 - Excluded Stuff8 Elements|4 Missions
People's Hurtful Decisions, Behavior, Words and Actions are not an Indication of Who they are. They are the result of their painful hurting Inner World
[X] ** Realizing that Your Power Self is Your True & Real Self - Not Just a Dream, Fantasy, Wish, or Hope...**] >> Your 3rd Mission - Answer honestly 1 important question:
[X] Great! You completed your 2 Missions and described your dream self & your dream life. You Created 2 clear mental images: [1] the kind of person you would really like to be, and [2] the amazing life that this kind of person can really have. Now you are ready for your 3rd Mission.
[X] Quick group discussion > "How many of you (/who) chose answer A?"... "How many of you (/who) chose Answer B?".... then, ask participants to share their answers & explain why; "Jane - what is the answer you choose, and why?"....] || DIS-COVERY QUESTIONS > [1] What about you is changing all the time? (behavior, mood, feelings, thoughts, they way you say things, the way you do things...) [2] What about you stays the same all the time? (the 2 Core Desires - the kind of person you really want to be, and the kind of life you really want to have [[*** The LIFE you Want, not the THINGS you want - Things are not True Desires. Things are Only ITEMS/OBJECTS that You Go After Because You Think they will Provide What you Really Want. > EXAMPLE: You Want a Specific House (Thing) in a Specific Neighborhood (Thing) - But what You Really Want is a Happy Loving Home, a Peaceful Lifestyle, and a Joyful Life. What you Really Want is Your True Desire. This House in This Neighborhood May or May not Provide it - It is Just the Thing that You Think will Provide what you Truly Want ***] >>>
[X] ** Merge into here some Ideas fromthe Element Below, that Introduce the Inner World - then, Delete the Element Below **] The way you behave change, the choices You make change, your knowledge, your beliefs, your skills & your ability to achieve things, they All Change. But not the kind of person you that really want to be. Even when you are confused. Even when you lose your way. Even when you hurt others. Even when you hurt yourself. Even when you let fear and self doubt keep you from what you really want. No matter what you do or don't do - the kind of person that you really want to be is alway there, deep inside. You are made this way, and nothing ever change it. It is what you always really want. it is alway who you really are. The kind of person you really want to be is Your-SELF! - Your one and only True SELF. And it is always there, residing at the Core of you Inner World. Your Dreams & Aspirations are coming from there. - From the Core of your Inner World. The Kind of Person that You Really Want to Be is there. At the Core of your Inner World. The Way You Really Want to Feel. The Level of Energy that You Really Want to Flow In You and From You. The Personal Power, Confidence & Influence that You Really Want. The Ability to Achieve Anything You Truly Desire. It is All Already there! - At the Core of your Inner World!
[X] ** I moved it from to Top to Here - Merge Some of the Ideas Here into the Element Above - and Delete this Element **] We are here to Transform Your Life, to change your world. So I want to start by talking about the Most Important and Most Powerful thing in that world...Your Inner World. || Your Inner World is where you See what you See, Hear what you Hear, Think what you Think, and Feel what you Feel. It is Where you Choose what to Say and How to Say it. Where you Choose what to Do, and How to Do it. > It is the Most Important & Powerful thing in Your World! It can Help You See the right things the right way, Hear the right things the right way, Think the right things the right way, and Feel the right things the right way. And If and When it does - It can Help You Make the right Decisions. It can Help You Say & Do the right things the right way, and Get the Results you Really Want. Anytime, Anywhere, in any Area of Your Life, and in Any Situation. Your Inner World Holds ALL the Keys to Your Kingdom! The Keys to the Life that you Really Want to Have! The Keys to the Kind of Person that You Really Want to Be! Your Inner World is the One thing that Makes You, or Breaks You. The One thing that Helps You Achieve All that You Want - or, Prevent You. || Take a moment and let it sink in properly - This. Is. Mind. Blowing! || To Transform Your Life - You Must First Transform Your Inner World. >> Change Your Inner World and You Will Change Your Life. -> Change it Fast and You Will Change Your Life Fast! -> Change it More, and You Will Change Your Life More! >>> The Training Program you will begin in few minutes will teach you how Change it All! -> Participate More & Practice More - In Here & Out in the World, every day between your weekly training sessions. - Do More, Do Better & Do Faster - and you will Transform Your Life More, Better & Faster! || So Now, that we all understand what need to be done and why, we can move forward and learn how to actually do it. > You are Now Ready to Start Your Training in Some of the Most Cutting Edge, Powerful & Highly Effective Ways to Transform Your Inner World, to Become Your Best Self, and to Create Your Best Life.
[X change some or drop it all] Changing The Way You See Yourself & Your Journey In Life > [1] Your Quest to Becoming Your Best Self, [2] Your Quest to Creating Your Best Life, [3] Your Deep Desire, since You Arrived to This World - For Guides, Mentors, and Leaders who will Hold Your Hand, Show You the Way, and Help You Step by Step to Become the Person You Really Want to Be, to Achieve the Results you Really Want to Get, and to Create the Life You Really Want to Have [4] And the Actual Reality in Your Life - Average Good People who Live Average Life, Even when having Good Intensions, Cannot Show You The Way to Greatness. The Cannot Give You What You Really Want. They Can Only Give You What they Have. The Cannot Lead You To Where You Want to Be. They Can Only Lead You To Where They Are. Only Great People who Live Great Life Can Lead You to The Greatness You Really Want. >>> The Lack of Greatness in people's Life is Not for Lack of Desire, Not for Lack of Capability, and Not for Lack of Trying. It is for Lack of Guidance. When You Try to Find Your Way to the Great Oasis, through an Unfamiliar Territory, Without a Guide that Knows the Way, What are the Chances of you finding your way? What are the Chances of you getting lost? - And if you choose to follow the only people around who attempt to guide you, who are lost as well, what are the chances you will now find your way? What are the chances you will keep wandering around, still lost? The Blindfolded is Guiding the Blindfolded... This is Ridiculous... >>> Now here is what's Really Important Now. > If you lose your way and feel confused, overwhelmed, or stuck, don't beat yourself up. it's not your fault. If you lose your Care, Your Patience, Your Temper - and Behave in a way that hurt others, even those you truly love, don't beat yourself up. It's not your fault. If you lose your faith and confidence, and even feel like giving up, don't beat yourself up. It's not your fault. As long as Your True Desire is to Be Better & Do Better - It is Not Your Fault! >>>. So What Now? There are 2 Things You Must Do Now, Whole Heartedly, If You Want to Change it All, and Change it Fast. and That Leads Us to Your Next Mission.
Only Your Power Self (Best Self) Can Create Your Power Life (Best Life)
[X] In your 1st Mission I asked you to described the kind of person you WISH to be. Now, I'm asking you to stop wishing. Rather than Saying Who You WISH to Be, Just be REAL and Tell the TRUTH - Who YOU REALLY ARE? - Your Current Self or Your Dream Self? (+ Text Box to Explain Why You answered the way you answered & why do you think & feel that your answer is TRUE
[X - 3b] Changing the way you see Others [NEXT SESSION - Not Here]
[X - 3c] Changing the way you see Situations Your World [LATER maybe Session 4, 5 - Not Here]
[X - 3d] Changing the way you see Your Life (what is your Life about - purpose, meaning, etc)
People's Hurtful Decisions, Behavior, Words and Actions are not an Indication of Who they are. They are the result of their painful hurting Inner World
Week 2 > How We Create >>> Inner World Alignment + Breathing Life & Powering Up The 5 Powers of Creation (Creating a New Reality in our Inner World, Bringing it to Life with a Multitude of Constant & Consistent Repetitions Until the New Reality is Anchored So Strong and Unshakable that it becomes Our Firm and Only Reality) + A Multitude Constant & Consistent Power Actions that are Consistent with the New Reality( we Created in Our Inner World = If we Do this Right, the Outer World will Shift to Match & Reflect our Inner World New RealityPower Action Plan - Power Action/Show-Up - Breathing Life/Power-Up3 Elements
Power Action Plan & Power Action/Show-Up >> Great Life is made out of Great Moments. Great Moments are made out of Great Outcomes in these moments. And Great Outcomes are made of Great Interactions. So How Do You Create Great Interactions that Produce Great Outcomes? You Show Up with Great Energy, Great Attitude, and a Solid Action Plan that is Designed to Produce Great Outcome. And You Lead the Interaction towards the Achievement of the Great Outcome.
The Tranfluence Process >> is Designed to Shift and Align you closer toward your Core where you have Easier Access to Great Energy, Great Attitude, and Great Insight & Ideas. You will First use the Tranfluence Process to Define Your Desired Outcome, and Design an Action Plan for Achieving it. Then, just before Showing Up for an Interaction, You will use the Tranfluence Process to Realign yourself towards your Core again. It will Help you Show Up Right, and Increase you Ability to Lead the Interaction toward the Desired Outcome.
Action Plan & Action Show Up:
Power Action Plan & Power Action/Show-Up >> Great Life is made out of Great Moments. Great Moments are made out of Great Outcomes in these moments. And Great Outcomes are made of Great Interactions. So How Do You Create Great Interactions that Produce Great Outcomes? You Show Up with Great Energy, Great Attitude, and a Solid Action Plan that is Designed to Produce Great Outcome. And You Lead the Interaction towards the Achievement of the Great Outcome.
Power Action - Closing The Gap Between Decision and Action4 Elements
Important Now #5 -
No Snooze Button - Bedros Keuilian_2 Lessons I wish I Would HaveLearned in My 20s:
After Making a Decision to Take a Power Action (Any Action) it is Time to Act & Execute the Power Action Exactly as Planned and Decided. The Time for Thinking & Analyzing Is OVER! It is Show Time, Action Time - Show Up Right and Take a Decisive & Swift Power Action - No Hesitation, No Rethinking, No Delays, No Excuses! No: If, But, Maybe, Later, I don't Feel Like It Right Now, I'm Tired, I'm Busy...
Cold Shower etc - Breathe Life into the Decision and the Outcome & Take an Immediate Decisive Power Action
Important Now #5 -
Tranfluence Seminars - Power Action Conditioning:
Our Inner World Creates Our Outer World - Bina VS Malchut. The Only Way to Transform our Outer World is by Transforming our Inner World. When you Shift your Inner World the Outer World will Shift to match it.
!!! >>> {Min 03:42.00 - End] Missions Ideas >>> Community - Chunk_Level 1: Missions
In Class Missions >> Define Few Missions for them To Do in Class. >> [1] Defining a Power Outcome [2] Creating a Power Action Plan [3] Power Action-Show Up [4] Review and rate each element, your strategy, the way you showed up (energy, attitude, core alignment-the way you saw the other person, outcome, how you felt, how the other person felt- declare your intention and ask them a smart power question by the end to let them express their experience & feelings - I will craft the right way to do it & will share it with the students), & Celebrate - Improve or Keep the Same [5] Repeat the Power Action-Show Up
At Home Missions >> Define Few Missions for them To Do During Every Day of the Week
In Class Missions >> Define Few Missions for them To Do in Class. >> [1] Defining a Power Outcome [2] Creating a Power Action Plan [3] Power Action-Show Up [4] Review and rate each element, your strategy, the way you showed up (energy, attitude, core alignment-the way you saw the other person, outcome, how you felt, how the other person felt- declare your intention and ask them a smart power question by the end to let them express their experience & feelings - I will craft the right way to do it & will share it with the students), & Celebrate - Improve or Keep the Same [5] Repeat the Power Action-Show Up
>> !!! >> New Core Program is Starting iNEXT Week - Inspire and Lead them to INVITE || New Free Leadership Program (Team Support) Start NEXT Week + Learn N Earn Team Leader Program - Inspire them to Join (Space is Limited, so Sign Up Now to Reserve Your Seat)
Week 3 > Turning On Passion - Purpose Driven LifeWEEK 3 >9 Elements|4 Missions
@ SESSION START >> Review with Members the Past Week's At-Home Missions, Progress & Outcomes >> Remind & Encourage them to Post on the InterAction Board their Mission Progress Report (or Questions, if they have), as well as Visit the InterAction Board and Support Other Members || *** I will Visit the InterAction Board too [1] help out by Posting Helpful Short Videos that Address members' Questions or Challenges [2] Empower, Encourage, Inspire [3] Congrats those who post Happy Successful Mission Progress Reports ***
Being Playful & Having a Good Time
Turning On Passion
Being a Tranfluencer & a Leader (Leading Yourself First & then - Others)
Purpose Driven Life & Helping Other People Transform their Lives
PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE TRANFLUENCE >> Add to CORE Alignment Tranfluence: [1] Being Playful & Full of Life [2] Passion Emotional Depth & Intensity [3] Leadership & Purpose Driven Life
Joining Our Leadership Team - Great Opportunity & Great Rewards (Benefits) >> Go Over the Leadership Program & Mission {$8,000 Leadership Program > FREE for those of you who feel passionate about Our Mission & want to be a part of it - Many Great Ways to Become a Leadership Team Member & Support Our Team Mission - Flexible & Suitable to Your Schedule - All that Really Matter is How You Feel About It) + the Application Form: (1) I'm Excited (2) I want to join the leadership Team & help others Transform their lives (3) I'm Committed to the Leadership Training Program (show up for all sessions on time, do it all & give it my all (4) I'm All In >
@ SESSION END >> TRANFLUENCING THE WORLD CHALLENGE Update - Recognize & Celebrate all Members who are Participating and Changing People's Life >> Provide the Link to the Challenge Page - Members who didn't yet, can still join >>
Having a Good Time - Individually & Together
Being Playful - Make your Interactions Fun & Full of Life - Boring Transactional Communications Drain the Life out of any Relationship
[Min 06:22.00 - 07:04.00] Turning On Passion - Live with Passion - Asking yourself and your partner often "what do you really want" and "how do you really feel", "what will make you feel happy", "how can I help" - don't do things that are driven by "should", "need", etc - either figure out how to do things in a way that makes you want to do it, and makes you feel happy (change the way or the mindset or both) and if you cannot. just be honest and explain why you don't want to do it and why you feel this way - don't keep doing things or doing them in a way that make you feel resentful and drain your energy3 Elements
Helping Other People Shift Their Lives [Chunk Level 4] -
Being a Tranfluencer - process, tools & check list:
Passion Week & Leadership Team:
Joining Our Leadership Team - [1] Keep Working Together as a Strong Team after the Program ends [2] having more time with me [3] Growing and Transforming their Lives Better & Faster [4] Living a Passionate Purposeful & Impactful Life [5] Actively Help Transforming The World Around Us - Saving People's Relationships & Lives from Pain and Turmoil, and Help them Achieve the Great Life They Truly Desire
Task the Leadership Team to be Buddies to Members who are not in the leadership Team - Create Deep Relationships/ friendships with them, Be in touch Regularly (weekly), Support them, and Bring them Closer (ultimately - bring them into the Leadership team). ||. The Leadership team members will naturally be working together as a team, assisting each other, becoming friends, and meeting weekly (zoom). The members that are not in the leadership team don't have that and can easily drift away into isolation in their own bubble, like many people do - so this is why the Buddy System is so Important
!!! >>> [Min 11:48.00 - End] Tranfluence Membership & Team is The Real Prize and Such a Precious Gift. || What Environment we Place Ourselves In & What Environment We Provide Others is The Ultimate Choice that will Shape Our Lives - Tranfluence Membership & Team is the Ultimate Environment (Like a Greenhouse for People - Protecting from Harmful Influences and Providing the Optimal Environment & Conditions for Growth and Manifestation of our Full Potential) - Plant Yourselves Here Deeply & Bring Over Everyone You Care About > [Community - chank_level_2] -
>> !!! >> New Core Program is Starting in 2 Week - Inspire and Lead them to INVITE || New Free Leadership Program (Team Support) Start in 2 Weeks + Learn N Earn Team Leader Program - Inspire them to Join (Space is Limited, so Sign Up Now to Reserve Your Seat)
Week 4 > Power Interaction - Bonding 2 Inner Worlds - Creating Intimacy, Trust & Great Time Together - Power Questions - Tonality - Journey In the other person's inner world (Be a Welcomed Guest not an Annoying Pest)[**] WEEK 4 > Power Interaction - Journey In the Other Person's Inner World8 Elements|9 Missions
@ SESSION START >> Review with Members the Past Week's At-Home Missions, Progress & Outcomes >> Remind & Encourage them to Post on the InterAction Board their Mission Progress Report (or Questions, if they have), as well as Visit the InterAction Board and Support Other Members || *** I will Visit the InterAction Board too [1] help out by Posting Helpful Short Videos that Address members' Questions or Challenges [2] Empower, Encourage, Inspire [3] Congrats those who post Happy Successful Mission Progress Reports ***
Tranfluence Session in Class > CORE ALIGNMENT TRANFLUENCE
Power InterActions Overview
Power Questions & Restating
Journey Into Another Person's Inner World
Power Invite
In Class – I will Provide a short List of Invite Scenarios , for [1] Personal Invites and [2] Professional Invites > Members will Choose One to work on & will Create a Power Invite Action Plan for it
In Class – Practice Power Invite > Members will Practice in Small Groups the Power Invite they Chose & Planned
In Class – I will Provide a short List of Invite Scenarios , for [1] Personal Invites and [2] Professional Invites > Members will Choose One to work on & will Create a Power Invite Action Plan for it
Tranfluencing The World Challenge >> Starting 2nd Week of Core and Continue through the Program & Membership || Milestone Achievements with Badge, Recognition & Celebration at Each Milestone: 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, ... (No Rewards to Avoid FTC Disclosure) || Create an Inspiring Page with Short Video for the Challenge: Similar Message as for the Team Support Program, "Make a Real Difference", etc. || Use GamiPress Referrals (& maybe Leaderboard) For Power Invite Links & Points Tracking || Who is Up to The Challenge!? - Power Invite People to the Free Seminar/Webinar || This is a Voluntary Challenge - Only for those who Recognize the Importance of Providing the Opportunity to So Many People Out There Who Silently Begging for Change, For Better Results, For Greater Success & Want to help || The Challenge Page Will Inspire Members to Participate & Students who Want to Participate will Fill and Submit a Form In-Class, choosing Where & How they want to place Power Invites: Select From a List of Event Listings Platforms & Sites or Add Additional Places, Text/Phone/In-Person Power Invite Friends/Family/Colleges/Club/Community/etc (Start a List of Names in Class), Social Media, etc, or Add other Ways & Channels You Want + Statements they have to Accept (Similar to the Form they filled as a Condition to Enter the Membership & Core Program) through checking boxes, Radio Buttons, and/or Scale Buttons and Accepting/Declaring things like "I want to help", "I'm Excited to participate and make a real difference", & then "I'm All In" Submit Button ||
During The Week - Practice Daily > Power Questions + Journey Into Another Person's Inner World
During The Week - Practice Daily > the Personal or Professional Power Invite you Chose in Class + Review/Adjust/Repeat
During the Week - Practice CORE ALIGNMENT TRANFLUENCE >> 3 Times a Day
During The Week - Tranfluencing The World CHALLENGE - Power Inviting People to the Free Seminars & to Join our Powerful Cutting Edge Training Program
[X - don't box life into 3 elements like this - it's unwise to get boxed in + there are more than 3 elements] Tranfluence - Core & 3 Elements= State, Frame, InterAction Skills:
Power interaction journey in others inner world3 Elements
Power interaction journey in others inner world #1:
Power interaction journey in others inner world #2:
Power interaction journey in others inner world #3:
Power interaction journey in others inner world #1:
[Min 00:40.00 - 02:15.00 + 04:30.00 - 05:28.00] Stop Arguing, Persuading & Convincing - Arguing is Rejecting Pushing Away the other Person's Inner World. Start Listening with the Intention of Truly Understanding the other person's Inner World.1 Element
[Min 05:28.00 - 06:20.00] Find the Common Areas in Your Inner World and the Other Person's Inner World - where both of you really want & like to Meet and Interact, and Keep the Relationship there! If there are other areas in your inner world that you really want & like to spend time in - find other people who also want & like to meet you in these area of your inner world.1 Element
Creating Intimacy & Trust - Deep Inner World Connection
Be Real - Be honest, straightforward, trustworthy, Dependable & honorable - say what you mean and do what you say
Building (or Regaining) Trust and Deep Bond - PREEMINENCE (preeminence customer VS My Client - the person/people I'm with VS My Team Member/s)
From David Snyder - asking good question and having inner world conversation that create attraction
Journey Into Another Person's Inner World2 Elements
SLOW DOWN and Follow the Processes & Strategies that will Lead to a Deeper Inner Worlds Interaction, and Better & More Powerful Results - Both Short Term & Long Term
Power Invite (Essential Part of Power InterAction) - How to Invite People to Connect, to Relate, to Interact, to Meet, to Join and Event/Activity/Group/Community, etc (For their Personal, Social & Professional/Business Life + For Inviting People to Tranfluence Seminars, Programs, Community & Membership)1 Element
>> !!! >> New Core Program is Starting in 3 Week - Inspire and Lead them to INVITE || New Free Leadership Program (Team Support) Start in 3 Weeks + Learn N Earn Team Leader Program - Inspire them to Join (Space is Limited, so Sign Up Now to Reserve Your Seat)
Week 5 > Habitual Automatic Response Programs - Change those that are Not Producing the Desired Outcome - Build & Anchor by Repetitive Practice New Power Auto Responses - Power Action - Closing the Gap - Taking Power BackWEEK 5 > Habits & Habitual Responses - Creating New Effective Power Habits & Power Auto Response Programs8 Elements|9 Missions
[** Week 5 = CONTINUOUSLY - Practiced,Reenforced,Anchored by = ALL MEMBERS >> IF REGULARLY CHOOSING TO PRACTICE = SELF MANAGED + INSTRUCT MEMBERS TO SET POWER ACTION PLANS & PRIORITIES FOR THIS + PRACTICE POWER SELF TALK TRANFLUECE DAILY - [this is the Daily Tranfluence they should use 3 times a day from week 5 and on] **]
@ SESSION START >> Review with Members the Past Week's At-Home Missions, Progress & Outcomes >> Remind & Encourage them to Post on the InterAction Board their Mission Progress Report (or Questions, if they have), as well as Visit the InterAction Board and Support Other Members || *** I will Visit the InterAction Board too [1] help out by Posting Helpful Short Videos that Address members' Questions or Challenges [2] Empower, Encourage, Inspire [3] Congrats those who post Happy Successful Mission Progress Reports ***
Power Self Talk - [What is Self Talk & Transforming Reality]
Tranfluence >> Power Self Talk Tranfluence > This Tranfluence will Help Participants Transform their Self Talk into Power Self Talk + Anchor it - it Includes the Tranfluence from Week 1 + Adding the Power Self Talk Element to it >> [** From now on - Use This One as the Daily Tranfluence 3 Times a Day **]
Auto Response Programs & Habits
In Class – [1] Members will Identify 3 Undesired Auto Response Programs (that are Triggered When Other People Push their “Hot Buttons”) that they Want to Transform >>. Members Will Identify & List [1] Their Own “Hot Button” Triggers [2] The Undesired Auto Response it Trigger within them (whether they Express it Externally or Not) || Example: [a] When someone says that thing to you in that tone [= External Event Trigger] – You Feel Disrespected [= Internal Interpretation Auto Response] and therefore Get Angry [= Secondary Internal Auto Response = Your Internal “Push Back” Response] – and as a result You Raise Your Voice at That Person [= External Auto Response = Your External “Push Back” Response] >> These 3 have to be habits/Programs that we Can Execute a Transformative Power Action on Right Away in Class + They can Do the Same At Home at Any Time they Want (not Phobia – need to replicate the situation that triggers it),(Not Diet – need to actually refuse the undesired food & choose the desired food), etc. ||. Choose thing that “Push Hot Buttons” & Trigger Undesired Auto Response – Things we can trigger on Demand by Pushing these Hot Button >> I will Create a List to Choose From & They Can Select from that List or Add Their Own, with MY APPROVAL
In Class – [2] For each Habit/Program – Members will Set Up a Transformative Power Action Plan with Priority Number & “Pending” Status (Status can be: “Pending”, “Active”, “Done”) + Select (1-10, no scale) to Rate How Much this Pattern Transformation is Significant to them and their lives + Explain why you selected this Rate (2 Text Boxes: [1] The Negative effect of the Current Pattern & consequences it causes in your Life [2] The Positive effect of the New Power Auto Response Program & the Change it will cause in your life
In Class – [3] Members Will Discuss their Power Action Plans in Class & Refine them if needed
In Class – [4] Members will choose One(1) of the Transformative Power Action Plans they Made & Set it to Active Status > to Start Working-On and Anchoring Into a Powerful New Habit Repeatedly & Consistently + Review/Adjust/Repeat, Until they can Rate/Scale that New Habit/Program’s Progress (Progress is a Scale of 1-10, and each time a member conduct “Progress Review” he/she can adjust the Progress Scale to Reflect the Progress level towards the Desired LEVEL of Outcome) as 7-10 (it started at 0, as it was non existent – and even at 7 you may consider the Outcome Level as not perfect, but the Outcome is achieved already at a good enough level) and Switch the Radio Button from “Outcome Not Achieved” to “Outcome Achieved” (Radio Button Default =”Outcome Not Achieved”) (Outcome Achieved here means the New Power Habit/Program is [a] Anchored Properly & Is now the Default Automatic Behavior [b] Produces the Desired Outcome) – It Does’t mean that it is perfect, and if you rate Its Performance at 7 you may want to Change its Status from “Active” to “Done”, or to keep it “Active” and continue Review/Adjust/Repeat until It Perform even Better (it really depends on the Importance of making it even Better + Other Power Action Plans that may take Higher Priority than Improving this one Further at the moment)
In Class [5] Members will Split into small groups and Practice & Act on their Transformative Power Action Plan. || Members will be Triggering one another’s Old “Hot Button” and Testing the Performance of the New Power Auto Response Program – Keep Testing & Anchoring Multiple Times (over and Over again)
In Class – [1] Members will Identify 3 Undesired Auto Response Programs (that are Triggered When Other People Push their “Hot Buttons”) that they Want to Transform >>. Members Will Identify & List [1] Their Own “Hot Button” Triggers [2] The Undesired Auto Response it Trigger within them (whether they Express it Externally or Not) || Example: [a] When someone says that thing to you in that tone [= External Event Trigger] – You Feel Disrespected [= Internal Interpretation Auto Response] and therefore Get Angry [= Secondary Internal Auto Response = Your Internal “Push Back” Response] – and as a result You Raise Your Voice at That Person [= External Auto Response = Your External “Push Back” Response] >> These 3 have to be habits/Programs that we Can Execute a Transformative Power Action on Right Away in Class + They can Do the Same At Home at Any Time they Want (not Phobia – need to replicate the situation that triggers it),(Not Diet – need to actually refuse the undesired food & choose the desired food), etc. ||. Choose thing that “Push Hot Buttons” & Trigger Undesired Auto Response – Things we can trigger on Demand by Pushing these Hot Button >> I will Create a List to Choose From & They Can Select from that List or Add Their Own, with MY APPROVAL
Tranfluence >> Power Auto Response Programs - [Members will Use this Tranfluence to work on the One{1} Transformative Power Action Plan they Choose] > Transforming UnBeneficial Programs into Power Programs - This Tranfluence Will Help Participants Identify an UnBeneficial Program & Them Help Them Replace it with a new Power Program + Anchor the New Program (Double Disassociation Movie Theater) - (** Any Phobias, PTSD Responses, etc are also Auto Response Programs **)
Dealing with Other People's Behavior, Habits & Performance Issues
@ SESSION END >> TRANFLUENCING THE WORLD CHALLENGE Update - Recognize & Celebrate all Members who are Participating and Changing People's Life >> Provide the Link to the Challenge Page - Members who didn't yet, can still join >>
During the Week + Further Until Outcome Achieved [Using this Tranfluence At Least Once Daily & then Executing the New Power Habit through Power Action] - Members will Keep working on the One(1) Transformative Power Action Plan that they Choose, Transforming the UnBeneficial Habit & Anchoring the New Power Habit Repeatedly & Consistently + Review/Adjust/Repeat > Until they can Rate/Scale that New Habit/Program as 7-10 and Mark it as Outcome Achieved (Outcome Achieved here means the New Power Habit/Program is [a] Anchored Properly & Is now the Default Automatic Behavior [b] Produces the Desired Outcome) - It Does't mean that it is perfect, and if you rate Its Performance at 7 you may want to keep Review/Adjust/Repeat until It Perform even Better (it really depends on the Importance of making it even Better + Other Power Action Plans that may take Higher Priority than Improving this one Further at the moment)
During the Week - POWER SELF TALK TRANFLUENCE >> This Week's Session Tranfluence (Special Tranfluence that Cover the Basics from Week 1 Tranfluence & This Week's Session's Topics) - 3 Times a Day
During The Week - Tranfluencing The World CHALLENGE - Power Inviting People to the Free Seminars & to Join our Powerful Cutting Edge Training Program
[** Week 5 = CONTINUOUSLY - Practiced,Reenforced,Anchored by = ALL MEMBERS >> IF REGULARLY CHOOSING TO PRACTICE = SELF MANAGED + INSTRUCT MEMBERS TO SET POWER ACTION PLANS & PRIORITIES FOR THIS + PRACTICE POWER SELF TALK TRANFLUECE DAILY - [this is the Daily Tranfluence they should use 3 times a day from week 5 and on] **]
Auto Response Programs & Habits5 Elements
Auto Response Programs #1:
Auto Response Programs #2:
Auto Response Programs #3:
Auto Response Programs #4:
Rejection is just a Frame Game you lost:
Auto Response Programs #1:
> ** Recruitment Motivation ** > Dealing with Other People's Behavior, Habits & Performance Issues >> EXPECTING Better Behavior/Performance from people is a recipe for Disappointments, Frustrations, and Conflicts. |||. If You Want People to Perform Well: [1] Make them Want it (help them realize how it will make their life better - better results, better experience/feelings, better rewards) [2] Provide them Guidance, Training, Support & Empowering Environment (GET THEM INTO TRANFLUENCE TRAINING PROGRAM & MEMBERSHIP IS THE BEST & FASTEST WAY) [3] Provide them Great Feedback & Acknowledge when they Improve their Performance [4] Reward them for their effort & improvement - Reward them Emotionally (make them Feel Good) with your Words & Actions
The Wow Recordings10 Elements
Wow 1 -
Wow 2 -
Wow 3 -
Wow 4 -
Wow 5 -
Wow 6 -
Wow 7 -
Wow 8 -
Wow 9 -
Wow 10 -
Wow 1 -
[X - Maybe Not, too abstract] [Min 00:56.00 - 05:50.00] Anchoring Core State & Frame + Shifting Away From the Shadows By Changing Habits || Changing Your Focus & Letting go of FEARS, Stress, Frustration, Anger, Feeling Unable, Feeling Stuck etc - these Feelings are Caused by Powers You Shifted and Anchored Away from Your Core, and these Powers are Pulling You into an Unpleasant Undesired Shadow Inner World, and Holding you there, While Your True Desires and Dreams are Pulling You To The Core - This is what's Creating All the Pain & Conflicts in your life, and "Holding You Back" from Being the Kind of Person you really want, and Living your Dreams || But this is just a trick the Shadow World is Playing on you - The Shadow world don't really have the Power to Hold You There - It's only Power is to Convince you that this is your Reality & that's how it Holds You There. It is an Invisible Cage you are Stuck in, made of a Web of False Ideas & Believes that are like a Virus, Spreading from one infected person to another, from Parents to their Children, From teachers to Their Students - But this Invisible Cage has No Actual Real Power to Keep You There - the Doo is Always open, and You Can Just Get Up & Leave || {{?{The Tranfluence Process, Trainings & Platform are All Designed to do 2 major things: [1] Align You With Your Core, Anchor you to it, Power It Up & Increase it's Pull Power [2] DeAnchor & release you from the false Ideas, Perceptions & beliefs that Hold You Back}?}}. > [Community - chank_level_2] -
Week 6 > Review & ReAnchoring of weeks 1-5 ||Week 6 >9 Elements|10 Missions
@ SESSION START >> Review with Members the Past Week's At-Home Missions, Progress & Outcomes >> Remind & Encourage them to Post on the InterAction Board their Mission Progress Report (or Questions, if they have), as well as Visit the InterAction Board and Support Other Members || *** I will Visit the InterAction Board too [1] help out by Posting Helpful Short Videos that Address members' Questions or Challenges [2] Empower, Encourage, Inspire [3] Congrats those who post Happy Successful Mission Progress Reports ***
@ SESSION END >> TRANFLUENCING THE WORLD CHALLENGE Update - Recognize & Celebrate all Members who are Participating and Changing People's Life >> Provide the Link to the Challenge Page - Members who didn't yet, can still join >>
Recognize their Effort, Participation, Actions & Progress - Recognize & Validate them and their True Beautiful & Powerful Self - Uplift - Inspire - Empower
Week 1 >> Review, Q&A, Deeper Anchoring
Tranfluence > Repeat Week 1 Tranfluence + Realign Deeper - Align them with My Vision / Big Picture Vision
Week 2 >> Review, Q&A, Deeper Anchoring
Week 3 >> Review, Q&A, Deeper Anchoring || Congrats, Recognize & Celebrate the members who Joined the Leadership Team & Program + Inspire & Give another Opportunity to Members who did not join the Leadership Team & Program yet
Week 4 >> Review, Q&A, Deeper Anchoring
Week 5 >> Review, Q&A, Deeper Anchoring
In Class – Members will Review their Transformative Power Action Plan Progress
In Class – Members will Practice again in Small Groups Triggering one another’s Old “Hot Button” and Testing the Performance of the New Power Auto Response Program – Keep Testing & Anchoring Multiple Times (over and Over again)
In Class – Members will Review their Transformative Power Action Plan Progress
During the Week - This Week's Session Tranfluence (Special Tranfluence that Cover the Basics from Week 1 Tranfluence & This Week's Session's Topics) - 3 Times a Day
During The Week - Tranfluencing The World CHALLENGE - Power Inviting People to the Free Seminars & to Join our Powerful Cutting Edge Training Program
@ SESSION START >> Review with Members the Past Week's At-Home Missions, Progress & Outcomes >> Remind & Encourage them to Post on the InterAction Board their Mission Progress Report (or Questions, if they have), as well as Visit the InterAction Board and Support Other Members || *** I will Visit the InterAction Board too [1] help out by Posting Helpful Short Videos that Address members' Questions or Challenges [2] Empower, Encourage, Inspire [3] Congrats those who post Happy Successful Mission Progress Reports ***
>>> !!! >> New Core Program is Starting in 3 Week - Inspire and Lead them to INVITE || New Free Leadership Program (Team Support) Start in 3 Weeks + Learn N Earn Team Leader Program - Inspire them to Join (Space is Limited, so Sign Up Now to Reserve Your Seat)
Week 7 > Environment, Power Teams & The MVP Factor - Part 1WEEK 7 >3 Elements|4 Missions
@ SESSION START >> Review with Members the Past Week's At-Home Missions, Progress & Outcomes >> Remind & Encourage them to Post on the InterAction Board their Mission Progress Report (or Questions, if they have), as well as Visit the InterAction Board and Support Other Members || *** I will Visit the InterAction Board too [1] help out by Posting Helpful Short Videos that Address members' Questions or Challenges [2] Empower, Encourage, Inspire [3] Congrats those who post Happy Successful Mission Progress Reports ***
@ SESSION END >> TRANFLUENCING THE WORLD CHALLENGE Update - Recognize & Celebrate all Members who are Participating and Changing People's Life >> Provide the Link to the Challenge Page - Members who didn't yet, can still join >>
[Maybe NOT] In Class Mission - Create Action Plan for > Creating an Empowering Growth Environment (Nurture, Support, Give Space - Don't grow a plant by pulling it's leaves) & MVP Plan for your Relationship Team > Have a group discussion where students provide ideas (type into a form - then share with everyone verbally so everyone can add to their own form of ideas) - then, let them create their Power Action Plan - then, let them share their Power Action Plan with the group, and have the group discuss, so everyone can work as a group and get feedback so that they can refine their Action Plan
[Maybe YES] to make it simpler - I should decide & give the Power Action that they will take throughout the week
During the Week - This Week's Session Tranfluence (Special Tranfluence that Cover the Basics from Week 1 Tranfluence & This Week's Session's Topics) - 3 Times a Day
During The Week - Tranfluencing The World CHALLENGE - Power Inviting People to the Free Seminars & to Join our Powerful Cutting Edge Training Program
[Min 07:15.00 - 10:32.00] Environment - Create an Environment that is Empowering and Supportive, not Demeaning and Judgmental, and that's all there is to it. You don't have to agree with someones, want the same thing as them or be inspired by the same things that inspire them, in order to Support & Empower them.4 Elements
> [Relationships Route Components] -
Environment 2 - Protect the Other Person from Influences that Bring them Down, Disempower & Shift them Away from their Core
Environment 3 - Help people become more MVPs in the Team & make them feel valuable
Tranfluence Membership is The Best Environment for Becoming Your Best Self & Creating Your Best Life - Successful, Powerful, Meaningful & Purposeful Life. This is the Reason & Purpose of Tranfluence Membership, this is why we built it!
> [Relationships Route Components] -
[Min 10:40.00 - 11:42.00] Team & MVP - You are a Team - what does it mean to be a Team, have each other back, support each other, being an MVP, the most valuable member of the team is the one who help all the other players to perform at their best level. which means - Empower, Support, Uplift, Energize, (bring them to this program that will help them bring out their best self & perform at their pick level). - It is the same with any other team you are a part of in any area of your life, and it will serve you and these teams well when you apply this to the way you show up in all of your teams.2 Elements
> [Relationships Route Components] -
In Your Relationship - You Are a Team & You have One Powerful, Exciting & Rewarding Common Goal. Focus Your Relationship on the Achievement of That ONE Goal - a Great Passionate, Loving & Empowering Relationship! Create a Winning Power Team - Be an MVP & Help Your Team Member Be an MVP too
> [Relationships Route Components] -
Chunk Level 5 > MVP, Teams, Circles -
Power Teams4 Elements
[Power Teams & Circles] Tranfluence NEW 5 - Referral Mechanism -
What I R4eally Want - Build a Community = Team:
Community = Team 2:
Community = Team 3:
[Power Teams & Circles] Tranfluence NEW 5 - Referral Mechanism -
Power Circles1 Element
Teams & Circles - bring them & transform ur teams:
Train N Earn - growth-contribution Snowballing: Elements|1 Mission
Explain about Power Leadership, Power Influence - and the effects of Mastering it (or not) in Every Team & Area of Life: Parenting, Social Life, Business, Career, etc.
Take them into a Tranfluence that will Explain & Describe Power Leadership - and make them See & Feel all the Amazing Direct & Ripple Benefits of Power Leadership
>> !!! >> Inspire and Lead them to Apply to Become Team Leader - Working Closer with Me + Transforming their Lives Much Faster + Making a Real Impact and help Transforming and Saving People's Lives & Relationships (** Only If I Already have steady In-Flow of New Members through the Even/Seminar Listings **)
Explain about Power Leadership, Power Influence - and the effects of Mastering it (or not) in Every Team & Area of Life: Parenting, Social Life, Business, Career, etc.
>>> !!! >> New Core Program is Starting in 2 Week - Inspire and Lead them to INVITE || New Free Leadership Program (Team Support) Start in 2 Weeks + Learn N Earn Team Leader Program - Inspire them to Join (Space is Limited, so Sign Up Now to Reserve Your Seat)
Week 8 > Environment, Power Teams & The MVP Factor - Part 2WEEK 8 > Teach + Activity POWER TEAMS & POWER CIRCLES - Building Their Tranfluence PowerTeam & Their Personal Power Circles - Power Invite & Adding People to Their Tranfluence Membership Power Team & Power Circles: Describe & Let them see and feel the amazing benefits & rewards it will bring to their lives and others4 Elements|2 Missions
@ SESSION START >> Review with Members the Past Week's At-Home Missions, Progress & Outcomes >> Remind & Encourage them to Post on the InterAction Board their Mission Progress Report (or Questions, if they have), as well as Visit the InterAction Board and Support Other Members || *** I will Visit the InterAction Board too [1] help out by Posting Helpful Short Videos that Address members' Questions or Challenges [2] Empower, Encourage, Inspire [3] Congrats those who post Happy Successful Mission Progress Reports ***
** Leadership, Power Influence & Purpose Driven Life (Purpose Driven Life = Vision & Mission) ** - Teach something Here!
@ SESSION END >> TRANFLUENCING THE WORLD CHALLENGE Update - Recognize & Celebrate all Members who are Participating and Changing People's Life >> Provide the Link to the Challenge Page - Members who didn't yet, can still join >>
During the Week - This Week's Session Tranfluence (Special Tranfluence that Cover the Basics from Week 1 Tranfluence & This Week's Session's Topics) - 3 Times a Day
During The Week - Tranfluencing The World CHALLENGE - Power Inviting People to the Free Seminars & to Join our Powerful Cutting Edge Training Program
@ SESSION START >> Review with Members the Past Week's At-Home Missions, Progress & Outcomes >> Remind & Encourage them to Post on the InterAction Board their Mission Progress Report (or Questions, if they have), as well as Visit the InterAction Board and Support Other Members || *** I will Visit the InterAction Board too [1] help out by Posting Helpful Short Videos that Address members' Questions or Challenges [2] Empower, Encourage, Inspire [3] Congrats those who post Happy Successful Mission Progress Reports ***
You've done so much, so fast > Celebrate, Congrats them, Appreciate them, Recognize them and the great progress they made - individually one by one by names),
Reintroduce the Membership areas & All Features & Benefits, and what to Do there going forward + With the Membership you have Unlimited Continuous Access to this Program & All the Sessions we did are Recorded here
Taking It To the Next Level - Maintaining & Growing what you've done so far - If we don't push hard Forward, we'll end up going backward (Examples: building muscle, losing weight, etc) - Most of the Environment around you most of the day is Pulling you Away from your Core - Being Active, Participating and Highly Involved Member of our Community is basically a Must if you want to Keep and Grow the Remarkable Transformation you worked so hard to Achieve, and the tremendous Rewards and Benefits it Brings to your Life
We Created this Platform for You, you, you, and you... and for all the great people out there with big dreams but no one to Lead the way and show them how to turn these big dreams into an Exciting, Empowering, Purposeful & Rewarding Reality. Share my past pain and straggles and how it pains me to see so many people going through so much pain and straggle while we can change it all for them, and change it fast. Many of these great people are your friends, family members, neighbors, co-workers, club members, community members... They are all around you and silently yearning for guidance, for support, for someone who can answers their questions and show them the way. [Rewrite a heart felt touching emotional copy calling them to want to help - direct them to a Form with an Inspiring List (sales copy) of ways they can help + text box under each item where they can elaborate or add how specifically they can help (through contacts, access to people and resources, access to media, etc.) - then, check "I'm Excited to Join an Elite Team that is Leading the Change, then "I'm All In" Submit Button - I need to figure out which help items better handled with a Phone Call (Members will book a call time & Prepare a Clear Power Action Plan for the Call, prior to the Call), and which items are self directed Like Power Invites (with Landing Page + Inspiring Video Instructions + List of Invite Channels + Encourage them to think of additional channels and Add them to the List + Copy/Paste Power Invite Text) >> posting Power Invites >>> [Min 08:34.00 - End] Why We Created The Tranfluence Platform, The Direct and Indirect Reasons for Bringing Everyone Into the Platform, Get them on Your Team, Get them on Your Circle, to Align with the Core, to Head in the same Direction, to Have Great Relationships, to Be Happy Together, to Live Your Best Life, to have a great meaningful and rewarding journey together. The Tranfluence Platform is The Game Changer!1 Element
What I R4eally Want - Build a Community = Team: Elements
>>> !!! >> New Core Program is Starting iNEXT Week - Inspire and Lead them to INVITE || New Free Leadership Program (Team Support) Start NEXT Week + Learn N Earn Team Leader Program - Inspire them to Join (Space is Limited, so Sign Up Now to Reserve Your Seat)
Power Tools[**] My Power Self2 Elements
Create Your Vision for Your Power Self - The Kind of Person You Really Want to Be
[Add here] Form from Session 1 - Filling up the Form + Weekly Review + Tranfluence, will [1] Breathe Life/Power Up the Vision [2] Combined With the Vision for Power Life - Set Action Plans - to Show Up in Life as My Power Self (by Areas & Situations)
Create Your Vision for Your Power Self - The Kind of Person You Really Want to Be
[**] Power Self Talk1 Element
[**] Power Self Quick Alignment6 Elements
[#1 > Your Inner World Current State - Quick Assessment] Ask Power Questions to DIS-COVER Your CURRENT Inner World's Current State: (a) "How Do I Really Feel Right Now?" (b) "What Am I Focusing On Right Now?" (c) "What Am I Breathing Life Into Right Now?" (d) "How is My Power Self Talk Right Now?"
[#2 > Inner World Quick Alignment - Power Questions] Ask Power Questions to Realign Your Inner World with Your Core: (a) "What Kind of Person I really Want to Be?" (b) What Kind Of Life Do I Really Want? (c) "What Will the Kind of Person I Want to Be, Do Right Now?"
[#3 > Inner World Quick Alignment - Breathing Life into Your Dream Self Power Vision] Quickly Review Your Dream Self Power Vision & Breath Life to Power it Up (only for few seconds)
[#4 > Inner World Quick Alignment - Power Options] Quickly Come Up with 3 Power Action(s) that the Kind of Person You really Want to Be Would Possibly Take Right Now - Pick from the Re-Alignment Actions List, if needed, or if not, pick from the the Achievement Actions List, or add New Power Actions to the Achievement Actions List ([1] I will Start their Achievements list with few suggestions that they can add to [2] I will Create their Re-Alignment List with few options like - Uplift someone's spirit & make them feel good, etc)
[#5 > Inner World Quick Alignment - Power Action] Choose One (1) Power Action, Take few Seconds to breath Life Into it, and Do the Power Action - Immediately, Decisively, Energetically & Whole Heartedly (All in - Do It All & Give It Your All)
[#6 > Inner World Quick Alignment - Review & Repeat] Do Step #1-#5 again
[#1 > Your Inner World Current State - Quick Assessment] Ask Power Questions to DIS-COVER Your CURRENT Inner World's Current State: (a) "How Do I Really Feel Right Now?" (b) "What Am I Focusing On Right Now?" (c) "What Am I Breathing Life Into Right Now?" (d) "How is My Power Self Talk Right Now?"
[**] My Power Life2 Elements
Create Your Vision for Your Power Life - The Life You Really Want
[Add here] Form from Session 1 - Filling up the Form + Weekly Review + Tranfluence, will [1] Be Split into the Main Areas in Life - One Big Vision for Each Area [2] Breathe Life/Power Up the Vision while filling up the Form & While Monthly Review of Each Area [3] Each Area will Have the Power Action Plans for that Area - All are Power Steps that Must Be Leading Toward that Area's Power Vision (** Weekly Progress Reviews of the Power Action Plans in Each Area + Monthly Progress Review of The Areas - How Much Progress Progress Toward The Power Vision Was Achieved, and If Anything Need to Be Adjusted in the Current Power Action Plans, If New Power Actions need to Be Added, If Some Power Actions Need to Be Set to Pending, If Priority Order of Power Actions need to Be Changed, etc. **. + In All Power Actions, the Power Self Needs to Show Up - This Need to Be Part of the Plan, Process, Action, and Review **) )
Create Your Vision for Your Power Life - The Life You Really Want
[**] Power Vision - Others (Seeing Other People Inner World & Understanding Their Behavior)6 Elements
Seeing What They Really Want - The Reason for What they Say and Do || Ask Power Questions: (a) "Why Do They Say and/or Do it?" (b) "What Do They Really Want?"
Seeing How They Really Feel - The Reason for The Way They Say and Do it || Ask Power Questions: (a) "Why Do They Say and/ or Do it This Way, With This Energy?" (b) "How Do They Really Feel?"
Seeing Their Pain
Seeing Their Hopes & Dreams - Their Core Identity & True Deep Desires
Having Empathy - Wanting to (a) Alleviate Their Pain (b) Support Them (c) Empower Them (d) Help Them Find The Way to Achieve Their True Deep Desires
Add a Form & Process for This - When Facing a Challenging Situation: [1] Do Quick Power Self Alignment [2] Do Power Vision - Others [3] Do Power Vision - Challenges (** In That Order! - Create a Form & Process to Use [1] By Itself as a Power Tool to use Quickly when Facing a Challenging Behavior to Asses the Situation, Gain Insight & Come Up with Power Options of How to Deal with it [2] As Part of the Power Action Plan
Seeing What They Really Want - The Reason for What they Say and Do || Ask Power Questions: (a) "Why Do They Say and/or Do it?" (b) "What Do They Really Want?"
[**] Power Vision - Challenges [Seeing Through Challenging Situations & Developing Power Options]4 Elements
Looking Beyond The External Appearance of Situation and Events
Looking for What is the Best You Can Do with it - Looking for the Win-Win Opportunity in the Situation (Framing & Using the situation to DIS-COVER few Opportunities to: (a) Make Yourself Better (b) Make People Better, (c) Make Things Better (d) Make Life Better - The "Highest and Best Use" of the Situation -
Ask Power Questions (i will add here few + they can add their own too)
Add a Form & Process for This - When Facing a Challenging Situation: [1] Do Quick Power Self Alignment [2] Do Power Vision - Others [3] Do Power Vision - Challenges (** In That Order! - Create a Form & Process to Use [1] By Itself as a Power Tool to use Quickly when Facing a Challenging Situation to Asses the Situation, Gain Insight & Come Up with Power Options of How to Deal with it [2] As Part of the Power Action Plan
Looking Beyond The External Appearance of Situation and Events
[**] Power Action Plan1 Element
[**] Power Action1 Element
[**]Power Invite
[**] Power Conversation - Power Journey Into a Person's Inner World4 Elements
[**] Power Teams - List the Teams in your World & for each team, create a list of he Team Members that you want to Join your Tranfluence Power Circles3 Elements
Have a Teams Section to See All Teams + Add TEAMS to the AREAs they Belong (Example: Business Area may have 4 teams - Clients, Employees, Vendors, Collaboration Partners - So when the Member Want to Review his/her Business Area he/she can see the (a) Teams (b) Action Plans that Belong to Each Team (c) Weekly Progress Review of there Action Plans (d) Monthly Progress Review of Each Team (e) Monthly Progress Review of This AREA --- *** So we need Vision/Goals for Each Area + Vision/Goals for Each Team in the Area + General Power Action Plans in Each Area + Power Action Plans for Each Team in the Area *** - At least this makes sense for Business Area - i need to see if the same logic will make sense in other Areas || Power Action Plans Forms: [1]
Teams Action Plans - Teams have [1] General Team Power Action Plans [2] MVP Power Action Plans (Member's Power Action Plan Specifically for the Member's Role as MVP in the Team - Bringing More Value to Other Team Members + Empowering & helping them Feel & Become more Valuable MVPs
In Some Areas the Member is the Teams(s) Leader or Co-Leader (Business Owner, Manager, Parent, Marriage, etc) - So [1] Ability to Set Vision/Goals for The Team [2] Ability to Set MVP & General Power Action Plans that Lead to the Achievement of the Team's Vision/Goals
Have a Teams Section to See All Teams + Add TEAMS to the AREAs they Belong (Example: Business Area may have 4 teams - Clients, Employees, Vendors, Collaboration Partners - So when the Member Want to Review his/her Business Area he/she can see the (a) Teams (b) Action Plans that Belong to Each Team (c) Weekly Progress Review of there Action Plans (d) Monthly Progress Review of Each Team (e) Monthly Progress Review of This AREA --- *** So we need Vision/Goals for Each Area + Vision/Goals for Each Team in the Area + General Power Action Plans in Each Area + Power Action Plans for Each Team in the Area *** - At least this makes sense for Business Area - i need to see if the same logic will make sense in other Areas || Power Action Plans Forms: [1]
[**] Your Tranfluence Power Circles - Bringing Members of your Teams to Tranfluence & to Your Tranfluence Circles (Create a Tranfluence Circle for each of the teams in your world)
[**] Your Tranfluence Power Team - Becoming MVP & Help the Team Achieve the 3 Power Goals:4 Elements
[Goal 1] Uniting the Members into One Power Team - Creating Unity, Friendship & Comradery Between All Members - All For One & One For All
[Goal 2] Empowering & Supporting Each Other - (a) Helping Each Member Become MVP In the Team (b) Helping Each Member Become MVP In Life
[Goal 3] Growing the Team - Reaching Out & Inviting More People to Join the Team - (a) Helping More People Transform their Lives (b) Helping The Team Grow in Quantity & Quality - Bigger, Stronger, and More Resourceful
** Notes - Create Deep Connection with your Tranfluence Power Team Members by Supporting, Let others Support You, Work together as a Team towards the Team's Common Goal - Making the Team more Powerful & Successful: [1] Growing the Team [2] Supporting the Team Members & Leading The Members to Support Each other [3] Creating Deep Friendships between members - Introducing Members to other Team members + Welcoming New Members, Supporting them & Introducing Them to Other Team Members (Growing the Team with Power Invites, Getting Quality people into the Team - Inviting People from Your World Teams to Join, Introducing Team members you know to Other Team members you Know, Reaching Out to New Members - Introducing Yourself/Welcoming them to the Team/Introducing them to Other Team members/Supporting them/Getting to know them & letting them know you/creating deep connections & friendships)
[Goal 1] Uniting the Members into One Power Team - Creating Unity, Friendship & Comradery Between All Members - All For One & One For All
[**] The Tranfluence Power Leadership Team - Joining the Tranfluence Leadership Team & Program:2 Elements
Relationship Zone & Power Actions - Tools:> [Min 16:38.00 - 20:00.00] Create a Tool Box Section + Processes to follow in order to achieve consistent snowballing results over time through repetitive application of these processes in your life + REGAINING & BUILDING TRUST and DEEP BOND >1 Element
[Power InterAction Tools & Strategies - Always focused on the Achievement of a Clear Power Outcome. - We are Constantly Acting & Interacting In our Own Inner World and With Others - trying to figure out how to make the things we want happen. This Is How We Make Things Happen! These are the Power Tools that will Help Us Make It Happen!]1 Element
[Power Interaction Tool] Breathing Life = Tool1 Element
[Power Interaction Tool] Power Show Up = Tool1 Element
[Power Interaction Tool] Power Action = Tool2 Elements
[Power Interaction Tool] Tranfluence - Core Alignment = Tool
Tranfluence Meditation & ProcessWeekly Tranfluence Rooms -
!!! Tranfluence -
[!!] Tranfluence -
It's All about Influence - Trivepage + Tranfluence -
Tranfluence Process on Thrivepage -
[Tranfluence Core Alignment + 5 Steps of Creation] Important Now - Elements
MissionsMissions Questions & Review -
Chunks_LevelsCommunity = Team - Chanks_Levels:
Membership & Programs Structure: - Levels, Cost/Benefit1. GUESTS = Students, Not Members1 Element
2. Membership = $300/mo
3. High Ticket Programs = $5,000
4. Mid Ticket Programs (Version of the High Ticket) = S500
5. Sweat Ticket Programs (Chunked Version of the High Ticket) - Included with Membership = Program is broken into Chunks/Levels | Required Growth & Contribution to Pass and Move to Next Chunk_Level4 Elements|15 Missions
Chunks_Levels Access
1. Each Chunk_Level = Program/Course
2. Set Completion of Each Course/Chunk_Level – as a Prerequisite to Access the Next Course/Chunk_Level
3. Set Each Course/Chunk_Level as Closed
4. Last Step of Each Course will Contain a Level Completion Review Request Form – participant will submit
5. Upon Form Submission – the Request will Display in a Table as Unassigned Pending Review – for Team Leader Assistants to Assign themselves and Process the Request
6. After Team Leader Assistant Complete Reviewing the Request and Approve it – he/she will Edit the Form & Select a Checkbox or Radio Button or Select Field, From Pending to Approved, Then Submit it (** This field is not visible to the participant **}
7. After Request Approval is Submitted, Admin will be Notified (** by email/text & Displayed in a To Do Table **) and will assign that participant to the Next Course/Chunk_Level + Auto Notify the participant upon Submission by email/text, or Manually by PM
1. Each Chunk_Level = Program/Course
Required Growth to Pass and Move to Next Chunk_Level =
Required Contribution to Pass and Move to Next Chunk_Level =
a. Support Other Members in the Previous Chunk_Level
b. Post Invitations to Seminars/Presentation – Event Listing Sites | Social Media | Personally Invite Friends & Colleges = Issue Personal Coupon for each Participant and set up AutomateWP to Track how many invitees came to fulfill that Chunk_Level Requirement. (** The Coupon can be for – Complementary Private Consultation after the Seminar/Presentation **)
a. Support Other Members in the Previous Chunk_Level
Upon Completion of Chunk_Level Requirements - Apply for and Pass a Growth & Contribution Progress Review with a Team Leader Assistant. || The Team Leader Assistant will:
[1] Review the participant’s support posts on the Support Board of this and previous Chunk_Level.
[2] Review the participant’s missions performance & results in this Chunk_Level + Personal Weekly Reviews
[3] If all seems in order – Have a PM Chat with the participant to Congratulate & Celebrate his/her progress.
[4] Mark this Chunk_Level as Complete for this Participant – this will automatically open the next Chunk_Level
[1] Review the participant’s support posts on the Support Board of this and previous Chunk_Level.
Chunks_Levels Access
Participants 61
Module 73 of 107
In Progress